СФУЖО відображає діяльність місцевих українських громад по всьому світу, а також на міжнародній арені через свій консультативний статус в Економічній і Соціальній Комісії ООН (UN/ECOSOC) від 1993 року, акредитацію при Департаменті Публічної Інформації ООН (UNDPI) від 1990 року, та членство в Комітеті по ЮНІСЕФ (NGO Committee on UNICEF) від 1997 року.
WFUWO reflects the activity of local Ukrainian communities worldwide, as well as international networking through a relationship with the United Nations. WFUWO is an NGO in consultative status with UN/ECOSOC (1993), accredited with UNDPI (1990), and a member of the NGO Committee on UNICEF (1997).
WFUWO designated representatives to the United Nations
(New York, Geneva and Vienna; as of January 1, 2014)
President WFUWO
Орися Сушко
Orysia Sushko
Chief Administrative Officer
Oksana Sushko
UN/ECOSOC Economic and Social Council (New York)
Main Representative to UN/ECOSOC
Др. Марта Кічоровська Кебало
Dr. Martha Kichorowska Kebalo
- Memberships on NGO Substantive Committees
- Represents WFUWO to Conference of Non Governmental Organizations (CoNGO)
- Member of NGO Committee on the Status of Women, member of CSW 58 Planning Committee,
- Member NGO Committee on the Family (NY)
- Member NGO Committee on Migration
- Treasurer NGO Committee on Sustainable Development
Additional Representative (NY)
Надя Шмігель
Nadia Shmigel
Member of NGO CSW (NY); past co-chair of NGO Committee on the Family (NY), NGO Committee on Migration, NGO Committee on Sustainable Development
Additional Representative (NY)
Др. Дарія Дика
Dr. Daria Dykyj
Member, NGO Committee on Migration
Additional Representative (NY)
Др. Ляриса Дирска
Dr. Larysa Melnyk Dyrszka
Additional Representative (NY)
Тамара Парубченко
Tamara Parubchenko
Additional Representative (NY)
Cофійка Зєлик
Sofia Zielyk
- Member of NGO Committee to UNICEF
Main Representative to UN Geneva
Олександра Куновська Монду
Oleksandra Kunovska-Mondoux
Member, NGO Committee on the Status of Women- Geneva
Laison for WFUWO to UN Human Rights Committee in Geneva
UN/DPI (New York)
Main Representative to UNDPI
Ірена Яросевич
Irene Jarosewich
Additional Representative to DPI (NY)
Наталка Соневицька
Natalia Sonevytsky
- UN/DPI briefings
Additional Representative to DPI (NY)
Мокі Кокоріс
Moki Kokoris
- NGO Committee on Sustainable Development, Climate Change
Youth Reps for UNDPI (NY)
Viktoriia Brezheniuk and Bogena Dergalo