The World Federation of Ukrainian Women’s Organizations is launching a world-wide letter writing campaign in support of Nadiya Savchenko titled – “Children’s letters to Nadiya”.
We are appealing to children, to students of all ages, and the youth of the Ukrainian diaspora to participate in this global initiative.
Vira Savchenko, Nadiya’s sister has recommended this project. She has informed us that Nadiya greatly appreciates all letters of support at this difficult time of her unlawful imprisonment. We, therefore, request your participation in support of Nadiya Savchenko by having the students/children of your community write letters to her. You are also encouraged to send Nadiya best wishes for her May 11th birthday.
For your information we are including addresses, etc. to which the letters can be forwarded.
Orysia Sushko
President, WFUWO
Засіб листування: лист, написаний від руки на ім’я Надії Савченко у вільному форматі за адресою:
Надежде Савченко,
следственный изолятор № 1,
улица Матросская Тишина, 18,
Москва, Россия, 10707
Організатор акції:
Віра Савченко +380509457886,
Координатор акції в Україні:
Олег Мезенцев,
український патріот, волонтер, учасник АТО,
email:; +380987054095