Hаради СФУЖО / WFUWO Annual Meeting

Річні наради СФУЖО відбудуться у Львові 18 та 19 серпня 2013 р. в приміщенні Політехнічного Університету. Було вирішено провести наради у цей час , щоб уможливити учасникам нарад СФУЖО залишитися на Х-ий Конґрeс СКУ, який відбудеться 20, 21 і 22-го сeрпня в тому самому приміщенні.


A reminder that our Annual Meeting will be held in Lviv, Ukraine at the Polytechnical University on the 18 and 19 of August. The agenda for the meeting includes reports from our member organizations, discussion and adoption of changes to our by-laws and the presentation of some interesting items that will assist us in carrying out the mandate of our Federation. As requested in earlier correspondence, we need to know the number of delegates and/or guests who will be attending in order that we can appropriately prepare the logistics for the meeting. We are sending a list of available hotels in Lviv; however, we are recommending that you make your reservations at the Dniper Hotel, which is within walking
distance of both the University and the St. Jurij Sobor. The registration fee for the meeting is set at $50.00 to assist in defraying some of the cost associated with organizing the meeting. A registration form will follow.



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